Saturday, October 26, 2019

Walt Disney World - Part I

Spent the day with John and Family.  Carol and I arrived around 9:30.  We knew the kids wouldn't be there yet, but we wanted to make sure we could find where we planned at meet.  At 10:30 the kids arrived and we began our fun.

We spent the day until 7:00 p.m.  It was 8:15 by the time we got back to camp.  We were glad that Sandy made it OK because she had spent nearly 12 hours in the RV.  She was fine.  We were very, very tired.  I have lots of pictures to download but am just too tired to do it tonight.  We both needed showers to wash off the heat of the day.  Bed sounds good to us so that is where we are going  I will do Part II tomorrow after I am rested.

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