Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rain - Friday

Woke up at 3:00 a.m. to the sound of rain pounding on the roof of the RV.  We knew it was coming so slept in a bit.  About 10 a.m. with it still raining, we decided to head to Rockville for lunch.  Rockville town square has a huge tent with vendors inside so we knew we could stay dry.  Lunch consisted of cheese broccoli soup in a bread bowl for me and a pork burger for Carol.  He usually gets gizzards but the line was too long and it was raining so he settled for a pork burger.  By the time we finished eating and walked through the tent, the rain had let up so we walked the mail street and looked in several antique stores.  We found a rain gauge from Honnekers (see above picture).  The towns of Fairbury and Forrest were listed on the gauge along with their phone numbers.  The Fairbury phone number was 42.  That was the real old days when businesses and people had two digits.  The significance of Honnekers is that Carol's father worked there when his family lived "up north."   As best that we can figure, they lived in Fairbury area for nearly 10 years.  We purchased the gauge as a reminder of those times.

We got back to camp by 3:00 p.m. and spent the rest of the afternoon reading and resting.  We usually walk down to the restrooms and walk Sandy around 10:00 p.m.  That way all of us are ready for a good nights rest.  The skies had cleared and the stars were shining.  The moon was nearly full and peeking through whispy clouds,  The clouds formed a pink and purple frame for the moon.  It was beautiful and a nice way to finish the day after the rains.

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