Thursday, October 24, 2019

Florida: a Hot and Humid State!

This was our site at the KOA.  It had a nice concrete pad and was situated in tall pines.  There was also a small pond that the owners had added lights that changed colors making the colors reflect off the pond.  One negative was that quiet time was not over until 8:00 a.m. so we didn't get packed up and on the road until 9:00.  

Our neighbors had this inflatable pig on their sewer hose.  I looked it up on line and found out it is called "Sewie Pig"  The underbelly of the pig fit securely over the RV discharge hose keeping it securely in place.  It can be filled with water or sand to give it weight.  It can be yours for $20.  What will they think of next?

We continued our drive on US 231 through the cities of Troy and Dothan.  Troy, although small, has Troy University and an aviation school.   This whole part of Alabama is called "Wiregrass Country"  I don't know what wiregrass is except that it is grass with a wiry texture.

Dothan is the "Peanut Capital of the World."  Every year in late October and early November, there is a National Peanut Festival."  We drove by the grounds of the festival.  It had carnival rides and looked to be the size of a state fair.  It is held to recognize and honor peanut growers.  Along the roads, there are stands selling boiled peanuts and pecans.
We finally made it to Florida.  We stopped at a welcome center to get a map and could feel the temperature and humidity change from this morning and the days before.

We drove US 231 to I-10 east to I-75 South.  It turned out to be 375 miles to Lake Louisa.  Because we lost an hour, we arrived at the camp close to 5:00 which is when the office closes.  The information we received said that if we couldn't make it by  5:00, we should telephone them.  At 4:30, I called and got a recording which said that the park was closed because of the bad weather in the area.  We couldn't believe that a park would close due to rain.  We got a few sprinkles on the windshield but nothing close to "bad weather.:"  We did make it to the park at 4:50 and the park was open!

The campground is very nice and we love Site #46.  It is a fairly level, pull through.  The outside area is surrounded with trees and plants making that area very private.  The restrooms/showers are close by and very nice.

We had to turn on our air conditioners.  There is a nice breeze blowing but it is blowing from the north and we don't have any windows facing north.   It is much hotter and humid that we have been experiencing. We called John and have plans to meet him at his new home at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

Last night I put the extra blanket and heater away but before we went to bed, I had to get them out.  Those things are put away now and I am sure I won't be getting them out for a week or two!

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