Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Perfect Spot and Day

It was a great night to sleep.  We opened windows and let the cool of the night and night sounds put us to sleep.

We were surprised that the circle that Site #227 is in was not completely full.  Six months ago when I made the reservations, Site 227 was the only one available.  I reserved it with some concern about what it was like so expected every site to be full.  I guess people wanted to make sure of a site later in the week, so the reserved early.  We have camped in several other sites and think we may have found the best site yet.  It is in under the trees, very spacious, level, close enough to water that we can refill if needed, and now that we are older, close to the restrooms.

We took a short drive into Rockville for gas and drove through the country to the place were we normally buy campfire wood.  When the boys get here this weekend, we plan to have evening fires.  We tried several times to call Carol's sister, Jean.  If she had time for us to visit, we planned to visit her on Thursday.  Finally got her in the evening and found out she has several things going on tomorrow so no visit this year.

We reconnected with Shane,  a man who lives in Harristown and camps here every year like we do. He is a very nice man and we enjoy talking to him,  In our conversations we told him that we were planning to put the motorhome in covered storage this year.  We spent a pretty penny on new tires all around and want to protect them.  He told us that his brother has a trucking company near Wykles  Corner in Decatur and is retiring and going to use the buildings in which he kept his 18-wheelers for indoor camper storage.  His brother was camped just around the corner so Shane and Carol went to talk to him and made arrangements for our motorhome.  We were surprised that he only charges $30 a month.  We think it is worth that price to get the RV in for the winter.

The rest of the day we relaxed and enjoyed being outside.  Sandy seems to remember this camp.  We took her for several short walks and she enjoyed the smells as we walked.  She even seemed a little more perky.   Hopefully, that is a good sign that this will be a good trip for us, too.

Another night of good rest with windows open and night sounds singing us to sleep.  Thursday is supposed to be another good day weather wise before cooler temps and rain moves in,
View from our site...nothing but blue skies and trees.  The trees haven't turned yet.

A man reading his book and contemplating life.

My one Halloween decoration.  People in the campground go all out decorating their sites and I do some as well.  However, not this year because I didn't want to pack all the extra decorations the rest of our trip

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