Monday, October 21, 2019

Driving in the Rain

These two deer came near our site this morning.  I couldn't resist a couple of pictures.

Sandy was having such a hard time getting into and out of the camper that we had to get her a ramp.  Although she looks scared, she does walk up and down the ramp and it makes it much easier for her.

We took our time packing up because we knew that we only had 225 miles to travel.  We filled up with gas and pulled onto I-40 West at 10:30 a.m.  It began to rain and continued to rain the rest of the day.  Fortunately, it didn't delay us because it wasn't a hard rain.  We took I-840 to the Natchez Trace Parkway.  The rain dulled my pictures.  If it hadn't been raining, the leaves would have been brighter

There wasn't much traffic.  I would say that on the weekends this time of year, the road would be packed.

While we drove, Sandy laid in the recliner.  I had to help her into the chair.  Her age and arthritis (and the fall didn't help) is catching up with her.

We stopped for lunch at a rest area with this house.  I would have liked to walk to the house, but it was raining so we stayed inside the RV.

We drove about 75 miles on the Trace and then turned west on US 64.  We saw several trucks loaded with trees.  They must do a lot of  forestry work in this part of Tennessee.

We also saw several fields of cotton.  It looked ready for harvest.

We were looking forward to getting beyond the dark clouds and possibly no rain.

We pulled into Chickasaw Sate Park about 3:30 p.m.  We were happy that it wasn't raining.  The campground for RVs is on the side of a hill and some of the sites look very unlevel.  We are in site 44 and we thought it looked level but found out that it wasn't.  It took us 30 minutes to get the RV level.   It is a nice site with a view similar to the one we have had the last few days.  The restroom/showers are right across the street.  We were told that the women's side is closed because of renovations.  I will have to use a portapotty or use the one at the bottom of the campground.  Carol says the men's side is very nice! 

The weather is supposed to be very nice tomorrow.  We want to visit Shiloh Battlefield Military Park and Carol's sister Carolyn.  We will only be here one day and two nights.  I don't think we will need heat tonight.

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