Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Goodbye Tennessee, Hello Sweet Home Alabama

I had forgotten to take my usual picture of the campsite so I snapped this picture after we got back to camp last night  It was almost dark.

We knew that we had nearly 400 miles to travel today so we got up early.  We had to load the car in addition to regular packing up.  Up at 6:00 got the interior ready but it was too dark to load car or unhook things.  Finally at 7:00 it was light enough and we were on the road by 7:45.  I had though that we would lose an hour today but when I looked at the map, I discovered that the time change won't occur until tomorrow.  It was a beautiful day to drive.  As we drove, it felt warmer outside so we know that the cold is behind us for a while.
We drove US 45 to Tupelo, Mississippi and then got on I-22 east.  US 45 is the same highway that goes through Flora, Louisville, and Effingham.  We filled up with gas at Tupelo for $2.19 a gallon.  We love that!  At Birmingham we got on I-65 South.  Traffic was heavy through both Birmingham and Montgomery but we made it through without any problem.  We had to take several local roads from I-85 in Montgomery  but managed that. I do love GPS for navigating through cities.   

Sandy slept in the recliner most of the day.  I had to pick her up and put her in it.  She has been walking with a limp of her left front paw.  I am afraid that this will be Sandy's last trip  She is nearly 15 years old and has traveled the northwest, southwest and lots of midwest with us.  

I-22 is rolling hills covered with trees.  We were surprised at the amount of up and down hills we drove on between Tupelo and Birmingham.  The leaves haven't turned around here. It is still pretty green.
Not much to take a picture of so when Sandy changed sides in the chair, I had to take a picture.

One thing Illinois  could learn from Tennessee is how to provide 4-laned highways for its citizens.  So far, since we got into Tennessee and Alabama we have only driven on 4-laned highways in addition to the interstates we were on.  Carol adds that they are smooth unlike Illinois roads!!  We pulled into a gas station just outside of the KOA for gas.  It was $2.39 a gallon which still isn't too expensive.  The station had a sign on the door which read:  "Do not come into the station with a Halloween mask on."  Who would be crazy enough to do something like that??

We are camped at a KOA in Ozark, Alabama.  It is a small campground but nice.  We thought we would have cable tonight but the 25-foot cable we have with us was too short.  The electric, cable, and water are centrally located between each set of campers and our cable would not stretch.  Oh well, we haven't watched TV since October 8 and we won't have it for 8 days in Florida.  I am sure we aren't missing much.

Tomorrow we need to get on the road early because we have 375 miles to go and tomorrow we really will cross from Central time to Eastern time causing us to lose an hour.  I packed the electric space heater and extra blanket away because it won't be cold tonight.  I may even wear a short-sleeved shirt and capris tomorrow!

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