Friday, October 25, 2019

John and Family

Woke up early this morning and saw this moon as I was walking to the shower.

It took about an hour to drive from Lake Louisa to John's home on St. James Court in Winter Haven.  John took us on a tour of the three cities of Winter Haven, Auburndale, and Lake Alfred.  The three communities are the combined neighborhood of John and Family.  As we were driving we saw this car.  I couldn't resist a picture or two.  John says he sees this car around town and he doesn't know if it is just one or there are more.   It is certainly an attention-getter.  First you see the objects adorning the car and then you read the scripture on the back of the car.  It is this fellow's way of a testimony.

I thought this pink fountain was pretty.  As I posted these  pictures, I won't be able to caption the city each was taken in.  We drove in and out of each city and I was lost most of the time

These trees are in bloom but John didn't know what the name of the trees are.

The second modular is the one Linda has her classroom in.

Saw this Firestone Store and because of Firestone, Carol and I are able to take trips like this one.

John is a case manager for the Salvation Army.   He told that they have a church.  We did not know that the Salvation Army has churches.  I will have to check when we get home to see if Decatur has one.

As we were on our tour, these rain clouds appeared in the sky and dropped rain on us for awhile.  John says that there are two seasons in Florida, the rainy season and the dry season.  Now should be the dry season but rainy season has held on.  In the rainy season, it rains every day.  The rain may not last long but it rains.

I love seeing the trees with the moss hanging from them

This is the First Baptist Church.  It looks like the traditional Baptist Church in the South.

Auburndale has a central city park with a butterfly garden.  It was pleasant to walk through the beautiful flowers and see the butterflies enjoying them as much as we did.

We see these growing wild along the road at Lake Louisa.

These lizards seem to be everywhere around here.  I saw one in the women's bathroom last night. 

This station sits along the railroad track in Auburn but like so many towns, the train no longer stops at this station.

This is downtown Auburndale.  I love the palm tree-lined main street.  It looks like Florida to me.

Neat building for the city hall.

Another example of the building-style in Auburndale.

This is Aidan's school.  We were able to pick him up from school.

Another view of Aidan's school.  
A wonderful picture of a wonderful family.

When everyone got home from school/work, we went to the Pizza Connection for supper.  It is a local pizza place a lot like Monicals in Decatur...good pizza.

We made plans for tomorrow (Disney World) and then headed back to camp.  There was a lot of traffic and some really crazy drivers.  Some of them take great pleasure in zipping in and out of traffic like maniacs.  I don't think I would want to drive around here.

John and Linda's new house  It is very nice and is in a nice neighborhood.

This is Katie's school.

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