Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Montezuma and Hobson's Farm - Sunday

One of the downtown stores of Montezuma

Montezuma downtown

The line for the crullers!

Metal representation of the way the canals worked.  The boat had no power of its own.  It was pulled down the canal by a mule.

The giant slide at Hobson's Farm

Once an hour they shoot a pumpkin out of this cannon.

Keegan on the hunt in the corn maze.

Number one found.  Only nine more to go,

This hay maze was new to us this year.  Keegan loved it.
We had to turn on the heat last night.  No sure what the temperature got down to but it was cold enough to make running the furnace necessary.   When Carol and I walked Sandy this morning, our neighbor asked us if we were able to sleep last night.  He told us that several campsites in the loop we are in partied until 1:30 a.m and he and his wife couldn't sleep.  We told him that we hadn't heard anything.  I guess the motorhome must be soundproof for which we are thankful.

At noon we went into Rockville to eat lunch at Burger King before heading to Montezuma.  Montezuma is located on the banks of the Wabash River.  During the 1820's the Wabash and Erie Canal was constructed to connect Fort Wayne, Indiana to the Ohio River.  It was the 468-mile middle section of the Erie Canal.  Only the Grand Canal in China was longer.  It took 21 years to  build.  Unfortunately it was in operation less than 30 years before the railroad made transporting materials and people better and quicker.  We had never stopped in Montezuma but this year we wanted to take the canal tour.  The town's downtown block is like most other small towns completely empty and abandoned.  They have a Dollar General which accounts for their one store.  On the tour we saw an old railroad bridge that crosses the Wabash River so we plan to return tomorrow to walk across the bridge.

Beside the Wabash Canal, Montzuma is famous for their "crullers" so we had to try them.  They are the size of a hot bog bun and are fried in hot oil and then rolled in good!

From Montezuma, we went to Hobson's Farm which is a tradition for us.  They have a huge corn maze and for the first time since we first visited 10 years ago, we were able to complete the maze.  When you enter the maze, you are given a punch card with 10 numbers on it.  If you find all 10 numbers and punch the numbers on the card, you receive a bag of popcorn.  Hunter wanted to search on his own so Keegan, Papaw and I search the maze together.  We found all the numbers and were outside the maze for almost 20 minutes before Hunter came out of the maze.  He had trouble finding the Number 4.  He says he hates the number four!  Popcorn for us all!

In the evening, following supper, we played "Chicken foot" which is a domino game.  We all played, even Keegan.  It was a beautiful, sunny day but tonight we will be turning on the furnace again.

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