Friday, October 11, 2019

Scenes from Parke County Indiana

Sandy and Carol share a love for our recliner chairs.

As you can see, my pictures refuse to load onto my blog...not enough internet bars.

We drive 20 miles to the Walmart parking lot in Crawsfordsville.  Internet is very fast there.  Verizon should try to get this lack of internet in the Turkey Run area.

We decided to drive through the country to Mansfield and Bridgeton to check on the progress of setting up for the Covered Bridge Festival.  This is one of several parking lots at Mansfield.  It is totally empty now but for the next 10 days, it will be filled.

If you park in the above parking lot, you can ride these trolleys to the festival.  Tomorrow, they will be filled. 

A few of the smaller venues located outside of Bridgeton and Mansfield were open.  If you need a flag, you could find one here.  This guy is here every year so it must be profitable.

No fall foliage.  Hopefully, before we leave, things will be changing.


This is the fairgrounds camping just outside Rockville,   By Friday, all these spots will be filled. 
Some of the campsite decorated for Halloween.

After our little drive, we enjoyed sitting outside at our site, relaxing and reading.  It is supposed to rain in the night and it is cloudy.

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