Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rest for the Weary

This was the sunrise that greeted us this morning. 

We had planned to stop at Walmart last night for some groceries but were too tired so we went this morning.  This was the sunrise.  I think this was saying to us:  "Get up.  I have another hot and humid day for you.:"  That was true.  John and Family came to the RV today for lunch.  We sat outside until noon and lunchtime.  It wasn't too bad in the shade.   After they left, we both took a much needed nap.  When we took Sandy for her walk, it was hot and humid.  John says that is the forecast for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow we won't see the kids.  We are going to visit Jim and Karen Peyton. They live about an hour and a half from here.  We are looking forward to seeing them again.

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