Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 9: Cheyenne Frontier Days

We were on the road early to get to Cheyenne by 9:00 when the parade starts.  We decided to  take our truck and all ride together.  John and Carol were sitting comfortable in the front while the rest of us were scrunched together in the back seat of the truck.  It was worth the discomfort to be together.  We made it to downtown Cheyenne, parked, and found a great spot to watch the parade.  We were standing in front of a small antique shop.  The lady who worked there let Katie use her restroom twice and provided a stool on which I was able to sit and watch the parade.  She was very kind and we appreciated it.

The parade lasted over an hour and I was busy snapping pictures when the battery on my camera ran out of charge.  I am posting the pictures I took without comment so I can get them all in.  It was one of the best parades I have seen.  There were lots of bands, horses of course, cowboys and cowgirls, antique cars, old modes of transportation pulled by beautiful horses, Indians, and much more.  After the parade, we went to Frontier Park.  We opted not to go to the rodeo and instead visited Indian Village and an old western town.   When we got back to the truck at 2:30, the temperature was 95 degrees.  It is supposed to be in the 90's all week.  It was another fun day and we were all tired when we got home.

The Air Force Academy Band.

Every parade needs clowns.

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