Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 14 - Katie and I

Today Carol drove John, Linda, and Aidan to the Denver Children's Hospital to see a specialist in epilepsy.  I stayed at the apartment with Katie.  We had some girl time.  I don't get much of that since Katie is my only granddaughter and she lives 18 hours away now.  We had fun.  We played cars in Aidan's room, dolls on her room, watched Frozen and The Lego Movie and went to the park in her apartment complex.  She is so sweet, and has a fantastic imagination.  I don't know if she had a good time, but I did!

John and Linda felt positive about the new doctor.  He wants to see all of his records from the Indianapolis doctor and do another MRI.  The doctor offered several treatment options but no decision was made today.   They feel the move to Colorado will be good for Aidan medically.

I only managed to take pictures of another beautiful sunset so I am posting those pictures along with a few I took two nights ago.  This campsite is on the western side of the campground and we are on the outside row so we have a perfect view of the sunsets.  When the sun sets behind the mountains, we see some beautiful sights.

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