Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 17 - Goodbye to Our Family

Our final day at Fort Collins is here and we wish it hadn't arrived so quickly.  We went to John and Linda's apartment at 9:30 to go with them to their church.  Aidan had several seizures before we got there so Linda stayed home with him while the rest of us went to church.  It is a very non-traditional church.  It is held in a gym of a preschool.  Most people dressed very casually...shorts, flip flops.  The service opened with several choruses and Communion.  The pastor was gone but a young man who is church planting a church in Northern Fort Collins spoke.  He did a powerful job of reminding us that we are God's temple.

After church we went back to get Aidan and Linda to go eat at The Silver Grill Cafe.  This is the oldest continually operating restaurant in Northern Colorado.  It first opened its doors in 1933 and has  since purchased the shops/buildings next to it until now it is actually five buildings as one.  If you look carefully, you can see the difference in brick as each new adjoining building was added.  The food was awesome.  They only serve breakfast and lunch.  Their specialty is homemade cinnamon rolls.  They are huge, about the size of a man's hand.  We brought one for our breakfast tomorrow.
Aidan rode in his wheel chair because walking would have been hard.  The waitress who served us was very compassionate and respectful of Aidan and his needs.  After lunch we posed for pictures and at their apartment said our goodbyes.  We hope to come back next summer.
On both sides of the Silver Grill sign you can see where two other adjoining buildings have been made a part of the restaurant.

John, Katie, Aidan, Linda, and Carol.

This is what a sunset in the west can do to clouds in the east.

Our last Colorado sunset for this trip.
John, Katie, Aidan, Linda, and me

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