Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 3 - Nearly Driving Across Nebraska

We still haven't broken the pattern of getting up early.  All three of us were up by 6:00 a.m.  Since it was Sunday morning we decided to delay waking up others by taking the jacks up so Sandy and I took a nice walk.  It was a beautiful morning.  We found an old untraveled paved road to take our walk.  Here is what we saw.
We leisurely packed up and pulled out onto I-80 west.  It is a very busy highway.  We took our time.  This is the scene at one of the rest stops at which we stopped.  This picture is a good representation of the sights we saw as we traveled west.  Most everything is very green.  I think Nebraska has had as much rain as we.  We haven't had any rain this trip.  We hope it stays that way.

When we stopped for the evening, we enjoyed this sunset.

With some good luck we will be in Colorado tomorrow.
Good night!

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