Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 5 - Fun Family Time

We had a cool night.  It was good sleeping with a blanket and the windows open.  We relaxed the morning.  This KOA has a small lake for fishing ( catch and release), paddle boating, and a mile-long nature trail around it.  We took Sandy and hiked around it.  I'm sure that hike was the first of many while we are here.  At 11:00 we went to John's and all of us went to Old Town Fort Collins for a free concert and lunch.   Every Tuesday there is an hour-long concert by various bands.  Today it was the Interstate Cowboys.  They played country music and were very good.  We took a blanket on which to sit, ate a picnic lunch, listened to the music, and watched the kids play in a series of water spurters.  The water would shoot up intermittently from different spots.  The kids had so much fun and we did too just watching them.

We left them at 2:30 with plans to hike a recommended nature trail but just as we got back to camp, it began to storm.  I took an hour nap while Carol read and Sandy hid.  When I woke up, the storm was over.  We decided to eat supper and then try the nature trail again but the rain changed our minds.  It  rained again.  The storms seem to come up quickly and fortunately don't last all day.
Aidan is waiting for the water to spurt up.

Aidan enjoyed sitting on the spout and sending water everywhere.

This is Katie and Aidan.  

After the concert, we all enjoyed ice cream.

The storm is approaching west from the mountains.  As I am writing this, another storm is headed our way.

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