Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 19 - Random Stories from the Traveler

We both had a restful night.  We actually slept until almost 7:00!  We left the Double Nickel at 8:00, filled up with gas at a small truck stop at this exit, and then headed east and home.  We left I-80 at Lincoln, to US 2 to I-29, then US 36 across the top of Missouri.  This part of Missouri is home to several famous people.  Walter Chronkite, John J. Pershing, and J.C. Penney were all born nearby and Walt Disney spent most of his childhood in this western part of US 36..  Also, Mark Twain was born on the east end of US 36 in Hannibal.

I am taking this driving time to get down some random thoughts.  I met some interesting dogs on this trip.  Wanda was an Australian Sheep Dog or so her parents thought.  They said she adopted them as a stray who showed up at their home.  They thought Wanda would be a perfect name since she wandered in one day.  She was very sweet. Winston was a small totally blind dog.  His parents told me that he was living in a shelter and needed a home so they adopted him.  They have another dog that helps keep Winston going the right way.  Yeti is a beautiful, sweet Samoyed.  Yeti has his own business card.  As you are petting him, his parent hands you a business card which  has his name, what breed of  dog he is, and thanks you for petting him.  The last dog is nameless because I only saw him pass us on the interstate.  He was riding on a tool box in the back of a pickup.  As the truck was moving 75 miles an hour, he was pacing back and forth on that box all the while keeping his balance. Below is a picture of that dog and his truck.
This campground must have felt like a safe haven to rabbits.  They were everywhere and did not seem  afraid.  Nearly everyday we would have one or two in our yard eating and resting under our picnic table.

Sandy and I enjoyed walking every morning and evening around the small pond at the camp.  From our site, around the pond, and back to camp was at least a mile.  It was especially beautiful in the early morning.  These pictures will help keep those walks in my memory.
This is the entrance to the trail.

The swans are waiting to take families around the pond.

These are just a few of the many wild flowers I saw as we walked.

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