Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 8: Where Were You?

Yesterday my hot spot Internet connection got misplaced.  The KOA has free wifi but their's was out of service so I was unable to post.  Carol and I tore the trailer apart looking for the hot spot connector.  We decided it could only be in two places...the trash (already disposed of) or in one of Linda's bag she brought for the kids.  Today I checked with her and no hot spot.  This evening we decided to go to Best Buy for a replacement.  Carol sat in his chair to relax and between the arm and seat, he found the hot spot.  He sat there last night and didn't find it but we are thankful he found it tonight before we replaced it.  Now about yesterday.

John and his family spent the day at the campsite.  We ate lunch and supper together and the kids enjoyed the amenities of the park.  They had a bouncing good time with the jumping pillow and inflatable slide/obstacle coarse.  Then it rained.  They went swimming.  Then it rained.  They enjoyed paddling in a pink swan around the small lake. Then it rained.  After supper, they went to the playground.  No rain this time but it was time for them to go home.  We had a great day and it was worth the $40 to have them here.  The rain didn't last long so we were able to enjoy the day.
Below is John coming down the slide and Katie entering the inflatable.

A family that jumps together stays together!

When it rained, the water ran off the awning.  Aidan had a ball playing in that water.

The pink swan is heading out from the dock.

The playground is awesome and the kids enjoyed it.  That is Aidan coming down in the slide.

A beautiful sunset to finish a great day.

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