Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 13 (Part 2) - A Day in Wyoming

After lunch we headed for Laramie to see the Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site.  The stone structure was built in 1872.  For 30 years it held outlaws including Butch Cassidy.
This was the warden's house.  It was built with prison labor using stone quarried from the area

The prison.

Carol is on his way to prison.

Above and below are watchtowers that look into the dining hall and cell blocks.  From these vantage points the guards were able to control large areas armed with a rifle and revolver.

A few of the 84 cells in the prison.

The prisoners were required to work.  This  man was demonstrating broom making.  The prisoners also made furniture, cigars, candles, repaired shoes, rope, and did taxidermy.

A view of the stock aide that surrounds the prison and industrial building.  Each corner had a watchtower.

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