Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 1 - On the Road Again

We left this morning at 6:15.  I usually start our trips with a beautiful sunrise picture but I will have to settle with a picture of the camper and truck waiting patiently to pull out of the driveway.    We drove west across Illinois and across the top of Missouri on 36.  It is a nice drive through fields of corn and soy beans.  We find beauty in this type of scenery.  We took our time because we had reservations at a KOA west of Omaha and didn't have to rush.

The day began with sunshine but about 10:00 it began to get cloudy and we had no more sunshine.  We didn't plan our arrival in Omaha very well because we hit the city around 3:30...rush hour and on a Friday!  We didn't recognize anything from when we had lived here 45 years ago but plan to get a closer look at Omaha and Bellevue tomorrow.  We are camped at a KOA just west of Omaha.  It is almost full with families from Omaha spending the weekend.  The spots are VERY close together and we are glad we won't be around much tomorrow.  We will definite remember this KOA as a place to never camp in again.  Only a few pictures to post.  Maybe tomorrow will be better.

The final picture shows our spot on the front row of the campground.  When we camp, we like a little more space between campers!  If we had children, this would be more tolerable because the camp has a playground, swimming pool, volleyball/batmitton area, miniature golf, and a small zip line.  They also rent these low-to-the-ground, three-wheel bikes that we have seen all over the camp.  They are like "big wheels."  It is an old KOA because all the trees are big which is one nice thing.
Not only is the truck and camper waiting, so is Sandy.  She is smart enough to know we are leaving so she stays close.  She is a good traveler.  She slept most of the day on the back seat or on the floor on her pillow bed.

This railroad bridge across the Mississippi is nearly covered by the water.  We had a lot of snow and rain this winter and spring.
I love the stone bluffs.

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