Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 11 (Part 1) - Wow! Wow!!

John and Katie went with us to Rocky Mountain National Park.  Aidan was having a bad morning so Linda stayed home with him.  We headed out about 8:45.  It was a beautiful, clear morning.  Again, we drove through Big Thompson Canyon.  Last fall a huge flood swept through the canyon causing such destruction.  Evidence of that flood was still present to a lesser degree.  A lot of work has been done to repair and rebuild the homes affected but there is still work to be done.  At the entrance to the park, the temperature was 75 degrees and by the time we reached the top of the Trail Ridge Road, the temperature was 55 degrees.  Carol said we should soak up the cool temps and he was right because when we got back to Fort Collins, the temp was 95 degree.

We really enjoyed the day.  Katie was a great traveler.  We saw 5 moose but were not able to get any pictures.  We saw so many elk that we lost count.  The views in the park was so beautiful.  It was a great day!  I am going to let the pictures show what we saw.   Again, they don't do what we saw justice.

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