Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 2 (Part 1) - Where It All Began

We spent the morning driving back to places that held memories for us the first three years of our marriage.  We found all three places we lived, the hospital John as born in, and drove through Omaha back to the campground.  Nearly 50 years brings many changes.
This was taken Thursday before we got married on Sunday, September 4, 1966.  It was taken in the first place we lived, the trailer below.  This was quite a "mansion."  The living room went from the door to the end of the trailer.   We didn't care.  It was our first home.

This is where the trailer/trailer park was.  Our trailer sat right up against the mound.  The south entrance to the base was nearby.

This is First Baptist Church of Bellevue.  I have a wedding picture of us standing on these steps.

Top is the last place we lived.  John lived his first 3 and a half months here.  Below is the Lindyview Apartments, our second home.  We lived where the white truck is.

The main entrance to Offutt AFB.  On the Thursday, mom and I arrived here nearly 48 years ago, we waited here for Carol to come to take us to the trailer.

This is Erling Berquest Military Hospital where John was born on June 20, 1969.

Boys Town.  When we lived here, you had to drive out of town to visit the town.  Today, we drove through a metropolitan area before and after.

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