Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 2 (part 2) - Here We Go into the Wild Blue Yonder

After lunch we enter to the Strategic Air and Space Museum.  It used to be located on Offutt Air Force Base when we lived here but SAC (Strategic Air Command) no longer exists.  It is now called Strategic Command.  It has moved from the base to a beautiful building about 20 miles west of Omaha.  We spent about an hour and a half looking at many different aircraft and standing displays.  We enjoyed it.   I had lots of pictures but manged to delete most of them so there are only these few.
The entrance to the Air and Space Museum

Jar Jar Binks lives at this museum!

The B-52 wing span.  It is hard to see how big this airplane really is.

The SR-71 Blackbird.  This is a stealth spy plane.  It was very classified when it first began to fly in the late 1960's.  One time one flew over Offutt during an air show.  It didn't land and could only be seen high in the air.
A closer view of the entrance to the museum.

The SAC emblem.

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