Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 12 - All Around Town

Our day began very leisurely.  I cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast, walked Sandy on the nature trail around the lake, and then we sat outside and read while it was cool.  At 9:30 we left Sandy to stay cool in the camper and headed to John's.  Check this picture out.  If you didn't know better, you would think you were in Decatur.
We sat at this crossing for 25 minutes while a train pulled ahead, backed up, pulled ahead, backed up several times.  John told us there is a small switch yard just on the right side of this picture and that it is not unusual for traffic to be held up for long periods of time.  I guess today was our day!
John and Linda showed us where they attend church and where Linda will be teaching this fall.  Linda will be teaching high school English/Literature at a Christian school.  We met several of her fellow teachers and they were very nice.  It will be a wonderful atmosphere in which to teach.
Katie and Aidan sitting in Linda's classroom.
This is a preschool during the week and The Pursuit Church on Sundays.  It is a Southern Baptist Church with a non-traditional building and name.

Our final stop was a great park for a picnic lunch and the kids to run off some energy.  This is the stone face of a giant that Indian legend says was killed here and his death gave the nearby mountains their color.  He is lying on his side.  If you look carefully, you can see his open mouth, nose, eye, and ear.  There is a tunnel slide that starts at the top and the giant makes strange sounds.  Below is one set of toes.

The playground was different.

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