Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Traveling from Cedar City to Torrey, Utah

We left Cedar City around 9:00 a.m.  We only had 175 miles to Torrey so we were in no hurry to get on the road.  We took I-15 North to where I-70 begins or ends (depending on how you look at it).  Both roads had some mountains that the motorhome had to put a little more effort into moving on.
Snow on the mountains.  These pictures were taken on I-15 north.

These were taken from I-70 east.

The oaks and maples are so pretty.

We stopped for gas at Richfield, Utah.  According to the Flying J app, it had an RV dedicated gas pump.  The app was wrong but fortunately we were able to get into a regular pump.  Just as Carol was getting ready to insert his card, their power went off.  It took a few minutes for the power to come back on and the computers on the pumps to reboot.  We needed gas so we waited.  This was at Exit 40.  We got back on the interstate to exit again at Exit 48, Highway 24.    I was busy with the record keeping and wasn't watching the highway.  When I got back to watching, we were at Exit 56.  The driver was apparently too invested in watching scenery and missed the exit.  I told him that I couldn't leave him alone for a minute.  Anyway, we got turned around and on Highway 24 to Torrey.  The pictures below were taken on that highway.

We stopped for lunch at a rest area along the highway.  It was very nice and the view was beautiful.

Deer must heavily populate this area because besides these alive deer, we saw 5-6 dead along the road.

We are camped at Sand Creek RV Park in Site #11.  It is a small but nice campground.  Just about all the other campgrounds in the area are closed for the season.  The next few pictures are what we get to look at every day from our site.

This area is "open range" and these cows decided to visit the campground.

It is supposed to get down to the mid 20's tonight so we are not hooking up to water or sewer.  We turned on the heat as soon as we got set up so it is cozy in the motorhome.  The wind is blowing so we feel some rocking.

We got into the campsite and set up by 3:00 so we decided to explore Torrey.  This and the picture below were taken as we were just outside Capitol Reef.  It is just a taste of what we will be seeing tomorrow.

This campground does not have cable access TV but we found a great radio station (95.3) so we will keep warm and listen to "classic" music.  We could watch a DVD but the music is so relaxing.  This is the life!!

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