Monday, October 15, 2018

Scenes from I-40 West to Flagstaff

Thankfully, we woke up to no snow; however, the wind that began yesterday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. continued through the night and in the morning.  Last night we closed both of the bigger slides because the wind was so gusty we were afraid the awnings over the slides would be torn off.  We couldn't put the bedroom slide in because the end of the bed fits under a wall cabinet and we would not have been able to sleep in the bed.  Just closing those two slides made a difference in the sounds we heard and the rocking we felt.  The good news about the wind was that it is blowing from the east and we were heading west so it help us "get on down the road."  It was cold packing up but we filled our propane tank and were on the road by 8:15 a.m.

About 10 miles east of Grants, New Mexico, we ran into snow.  It was a wet snow but the roads were only wet and not slick.

The snow lasted about 50 miles, then the skies began to clear and the sun peek through.

I am not sure what this is but the unusual shape caught my attention.  It is probably an out-of-business tourist trap.  We didn't see any signs.  We saw several Indian trading posts that were out of business.  

By the time we began to see this mountain, the sun was fully out and there were no clouds in the sky.  This is about 50 miles east of Flagstaff.  We made it to the KOA a little after one.  The sunny skies fooled us into thinking it would be warmer outside.  Boy, were we wrong. The wind had picked up again, and it was cold.  As quickly as we could, we got set up and went inside to unthaw.  The first spot we were assigned (the one we had picked out the last time we were here) was occupied.  We found another site even better.  We are in #167.  It is flat and long enough to accommodate the RV, dolly and car. 

The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow continues to call for 1-3 inches of snow.  We sure hope they are wrong.  Our next stop is Needles, California and tomorrow  the temperatures there should be in the 70's.  If we can just make it past the snow here to that warmer weather, we will be happy.

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