Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Blue Skies

Woke up this morning to blue skies and white puffy clouds.  We could actually see the mountain that is near the camp.

Last night about 8:00 p.m. the sky opened up again and it rained harder than it had during the last 24 hours.  When we opened the door to the motorhome this morning, we found that the rain had washed mud down from the mountain onto our outside mat.

I had never posted a picture of our site.  This is site #183.

It was sure good to see the sun again.  We drove 89 North from Flagstaff and this is the view.

Just north of Cameron we turned off onto highway 160 and the scenery began to change.

We thought this looked like the Painted Desert.
The road went on and on.

When we got to Kayenta, Arizona, huge rock formations began to appear.

The Goulding's Monument Valley Campground sets off the main road about 20 miles back in a canyon.  This is the view from our motorhome.

Another view from the motorhome.

View from motorhome.

View from motorhome.

Site #25.  It is a bit short but nothing longer was available so we had to make due.  We will have to load the car in a big parking lot in front of the office as there is no room here.  We are happy because the views are so beautiful.  There was a cool breeze blowing so we sat outside and just let our eyes take it all in.  We have reservations for a tour of Monument Valley.  It begins at 7:45 a.m. and lasts for three and a half hours.  We won't need the air conditioner tonight.  In fact, we didn't turn it on after we got here.   Right now, it is so quiet.  There are no car/trucks sounds.  Good sleeping.

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