Thursday, October 25, 2018

Goodbye California, Hello Las Vegas

We were in no hurry packing up.  We could not check into Lake Mead RV Village until 2:00 p.m and it is only 175 miles away.  On the road by 9:30, we left the park with sadness.  We will miss the variety of views and terrain.  Being in Las Vegas will certainly be different.
The sun always shows itself on the tops of the mountains.  It makes us feel like it will be a good day as we watch the blue mountains become pink.  This was our last morning view before we left Death Valley.

I love the way the mountains layer themselves.

  • There was one mountain with snow on top.  According to the map, this mountain is over 11,000 feet high.  As we were driving toward Las Vegas we noticed a sign letting drivers know that road construction may cause delays.  The sign also said that at 12:45 the road could be closed for up to 2 hours.  We didn't want to be a part of a two hour shut down.  Thankfully, we made it through the construction zone before 12:45.  We saw on the news that the construction involved blasting walls of the canyon so the road through there could be widened.  That would cause two hour delays!

Our first view of the Las Vegas skyline.

Camp site #808.  We are camped at Lake Mead RV Village.  This is a good spot because it is close to the bathrooms and trash and the view is gorgeous.

Our view of Lake Mead.

Another view.

We needed a few groceries so we decided to eat out in Boulder City.  We ate at Tony's Pizza. It was very good and was the first pizza we have had on this trip.

There was seating inside and outside on the sidewalk.  We chose to eat outside.  It was very pleasanat.

By the time we got back to the camp, the sun was setting.

I have several blogs to download pictures to so I will probably be up late tonight.  Tomorrow we plan to hike the Historic Train Trail and then go into the city in the late afternoon and evening.

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