Sunday, October 31, 2021

Resting Sunrise to Sunset

Today we had decided to be at the campsite all day.  We were not going to get in the car and go anywhere.  We did that.  The car was only started and moved one time and that was when we loaded it on the dolly.  The morning started with a walk on the beach at sunrise.  

After walking on the beach, we went back to camp and I fixed breakfast for the first time in a week or two.  It felt good to relax and not have an agenda.  We sat outside in our lawn chairs enjoying the sunshine and cool breeze.  

It was another day that there was not a cloud in the sky.  The sun shimmered on the Gulf and water that runs in front of our site.

Last night the air was filled with the "singing" of birds as they settled in for the night.  Carol and I had never heard anything like the sounds that we heard after it got dark and lasted well into the early morning hours.   It was so beautiful and restful.  I don't think these crows took part in the serenade but they have been flying in and out of our site fore the past two days.  I just happened to catch three of them resting on the three posts at the end of a parking lot.

This may look like a picture of wild flowers but there is a Monarch butterfly in the scene.  We have seen so many Monarchs.  I wonder if this is where they winter.

We found this little creature on the beach.  He was tiny and scurrying along the sand.
 He didn't bother us and we didn't bother him.

I brought a selfie stick to take pictures of Carol and I on this trip but I haven't used it very much.  I am not very good with it.

This evening the beach was filled with all kinds of little birds.  They always managed to stay ahead of the tide.

I thought it was appropriate to take a picture of the motorhome and car for our final beach day. 

The final sunset at Sea Rim State Park.  We really enjoyed camping here.  We had the perfect spot.  The weather was perfect.  We managed to find some shells.  We got exercise as we walked the beach.  The final day we totally relaxed before we have to drive north tomorrow.  What a beautiful way to end the day.

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