Monday, November 1, 2021

From the Beach to the Forest

This was our last beach sunrise.  Now that we are camped in a forest, I would say it would be our last sunrise of which I can take a picture.  W didn't get up until 7 and when we saw the clock, we dressed quickly to get down to the beach.

This morning we saw more birds on the beach.  The last couple of mornings we only saw the gray heron.

The gray heron was on the beach. I guess this is his spot for breakfast.

A lot of the houses are on tall pillars to avoid flooding when a hurricane comes through.  Usually cars, boats, and other adult toys are parked under the house.

We only drove 230 miles today.   All but five or six were on rural roads.  It was a nice change.  We enjoyed the hills and curves.  We knew we were getting farther away from the beach when we began to smell pine and see pine trees line to roads

We took US Route 96 north from Beaumont, Texas.  Some of the road was four-lane divided but mostly it was two lane.  It was a nice drive through small towns.  At Center, Texas we got on US59 to Marshall, Texas.  Then we got on a Texas farm road to the park.

We arrived at Caddo Lake State Park a little after three.  This is site #19.  We love it.  It is paved and set back into a forest of tall trees.  There is just one site between us and the showers.  In fact, this is a small loop of full hook-up sites.  There are only 8 of these sites.  We were lucky to be able to reserve one.

This is the view from our front door.  The two pictures below were taken from our front door.

It is hard to imagine that only 200 miles north of the Gulf, we would be camped in the forest.  We will be camped here for only two nights and one day.  Our fall trip is quickly coming to a close.

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