Sunday, October 3, 2021

First Monday Trade Market - Day 2

Today we wanted to finish shopping/looking at the market.  We arrived at 9:00 which is when it is advertised to open and already the parking lots will filling and people were walking the streets.  During the morning hours the streets weren't as full.  We had a map today which we thought would make it easier but it didn't.  We were looking for the open field vendors and Civic Center.  Finally, around 10:30 we found that area and it was then that we saw how overwhelming it was.  There was so much more.  We told ourselves that at noon we would stop and eat and give it up.

This is blurry but I wanted to take this picture so I hurried too much.  This is a man riding a scooter with a wagon attached to the back for his purchases and right behind him was his wife on another scooter with the dog riding with her.  These are dedicated Market shoppers.  There were so many dogs.  I felt sorry for the dogs having to dodge shoppers, scooters, and kids.  The dogs looked hot and like they would rather be somewhere else.  I saw one man with three dogs on leaches.  I saw at least two Great Danes and heard one owner tell someone that his dog weighed 165 pounds.  Again, why not leave the poor dog at home for some quiet.

This is an original gate from the 50's when the market was moved from the courthouse square. It reads "First Monday Market Day" since 1850.

A sampling of the kids of things that could be purchased.

This fellow was making corn meal with his old steam engine.

Saw a couple of booths selling political flags.

Texans seem very patriotic.

The East Gate Entrance.  This is where we entered today.

After a lunch of catfish sandwich and tamale chili bowl, went to the Walmart to get some prescriptions filled for Carol and do a little food shopping.  We returned to camp around 3:00 p.m.  We brought a bag of kettle corn so we enjoyed a snack before settling in for a nap.

We enjoyed the last two days and both have said we could return again.  Tomorrow we will do something totally different because we are going into Dallas and Ft. Worth.  No flea markets on our agenda only Kennedy and cowboy history.

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