Thursday, October 7, 2021

Waco Bound

 This turned out to be an unusual day, some of it planned and some unplanned.  It is only 125 miles from where we were camped to Waco and our new campground.  We could not check into Speegleville COE campground until 3:00 p.m. and we had to be out of our current campground by 11:00 a.m.  That gave us four hours to travel 125 miles.  Our plans were to stop in a rest area and for an hour or so and to get gas at Waco before we camped.  That all went as planned.  The unplanned was the state highway we were taking was under construction and for 20 miles or so Carol had to drive on a very narrow two-lane road with a two-foot drop off on our side.  It was very stressful but we made it.  Then we missed our turn and had to go about 20 miles out of our way.  Finally, again, we missed the turn to the Flying J and had to find our way back to it.  All in all, we didn't get to the campground until 3:30.  Four and a half hours of planned and unplanned experiences.

The good news is that we are here at Seegleville COE on Site #1.  It is a beautiful place to camp.  The view of the lake is very nice.  We decided to grill out and eat out so we could enjoy the setting.  After supper we walked around the campground and saw a beautiful sunset, some deer and an armadillo.  This is the kind of campground and site that we always looked for when we were tent camping with the kids.  There are no traffic sounds only the sound of cicada.  It is very relaxing.

This is the view from our campsite...Lake Waco.

This is a great spot.

Here are three of the 10 deer we saw on our evening walk around the campground.

The sunset was beautiful.

This is the armadillo we saw.

Tomorrow we will explore Waco.  First stop will be Magnolia Table for breakfast.
It feels warmer here.  For the last four nights we have been able to turn off the air conditioner and sleep very well in the cooler temperatures.  I am not sure we will be able to do that tonight.  Because we spent so much time outside this evening, I am very late on doing my blog so we may not be able to play our usual game of  Skip-Bo.  We have been playing cards in the evenings and the score is six to six.  Tonight we might have broken the tie.

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