Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Follow that Buick

We left campground at 9:15 heading south for Corpus Christi.  We drove US 77 all the way to I-37.  We could see the landscape changing as we drove south from hill country to coastal.  We stopped for gas in Victoria.  Bob and Renita Harvey text us to let us know that they would be in the town of Odem waiting for us.  When we drove by, they would speed up, get ahead of us, and then by following them, we would go to their house.

The traffic seemed heavy and, of course, there is always road construction so we were very happy to follow the black Buick.

At Odem, they saw us pass and then sped up to get ahead of us.  The traffic was heavy and, of course, there was the ever present road construction.  They did a great job of staying close and signaling turns in advance so we could make the lane changes.  We got to their home about 1:30.  We had to unhook the dolly and unload the car so Carol could back into their driveway.  To make it even trickier, they had a wooden fence with a gate from the garage to their fence that Carol had to back through.  Carol backed the motorhome up the driveway and through the gate with only inches to spare.  I was going to take a picture of proof of his great backing ability but I forgot.  Maybe tomorrow I will get one.  We are only able to open the bedroom slide but that is all we really need.  We spent the rest of the afternoon talking.  We ate a delicious supper before Renita had to leave to attend the final Bible study she was involved in.  While she was gone, Bob took us to the beach...North Padre Island.  

Bob has a four-wheel drive truck so we were able to drive on the beach.  Speed limit is 15 MPH but who wants to go any faster.

I was able to take a picture or two as the truck was moving down the beach.  

After we got back to their house, Carol and I went to the motorhome for the evening.  It is good to be here in Corpus Christi with Bob and Renita.  We have never been here.  It is quiet where we are parked.  There are no interstate noises or train whistles.    We should sleep well. -

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