Friday, October 8, 2021

Seeing the Country Side of Texas


The sunrise was not as spectacular this morning but it was still pretty.

There were early morning fishermen out on the lake.

This was our next site neighbors.  We have been trying to figure out why they brought, what looks like, their whole house with them to camp.  There is a lawnmower, trimmer, book shelves and on the other side of the drive trash bags of clothes among other things.  This all came from the back of their truck.  I guess they wanted to make sure they had what they needed. 

We saw lots of cattle...after all it is Texas!

The roads seemed to go on forever.  Sometimes, even on a two-lane highway the speed limit was 70-75 MPH. I guess there is so much of Texas that you need a high speed to get someplace.  One sign we saw was one that said "Textured Pavement."  This was just a nice term for rough road!

Just outside of Waco we saw a sign for Crawford, Texas where President George and Laura Bush live.  I did not realize how close to Waco they lived  We also saw several cowboy churches.  In Hico, Texas there was a Billy the Kid Museum.  I guess he was either from there or died there.

Besides cattle ranches we saw several goat and sheep ranches.

The ranches have huge, elaborate gates and signs at the entrance of their ranches.

About noon we reached I-20 and began driving west.  The winds were terrible.  Carol had to have strong arms to keep us from blowing off the road.  I know he was getting tired of fighting the wind and was thankful when at 3:00 p.m. we pulled into Lake Colorado City State Park.  

This is the view from the motorhome.  The lake can be seen between the trees and cactus.
This is Site 45.  It is a nice pull-through.  Below is the view from the site.  The lake can just be seen through the trees.  This is like desert-like with all the prickly cactus around the campsite.

We were treated with a beautiful sunset.  I sat in my rocking lawn chair and watched the view change as the sun set.

We only drove 280 miles today.  We saw the rural side of Texas which was nice.  It was 97 degrees when we set up camp at the park.  The humidity was very low and a strong south wind was blowing so we sat outside and relaxed for a while.  Tomorrow we will be in New Mexico and gain an hour of time for the little while we are there.

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