Friday, October 29, 2021

This and That in Corpus Christi

Bob and Renita had appointments this morning so Carol and I went to HEB, Walmart, and got gas for the car.  We all arrived home about the same time.  After talking a bit, They decided to take us across "The Big Bridge."  Actually, it is the old bridge across Corpus Christi Bay.   A new bridge is being built to replace the old one but it will be awhile before it is completed.

This is the Big Bridge.

The USS Lexington is anchored in Corpus Christi Bay.  We choose not to take the tour of the ship but we were able to walk the gangplank to the top.  The USS Lexington was named "The Blue Goose" by Tokyo Rose.  It was the only carrier painted this color blue.  She had reported it sunk many times but was always wrong.

Although it was never sank, it was hit by a Japanese Kamikaze plane in November, 1944.  The Japanese flag indicates the exact location the plane hit the Lexington killing 49 sailors.

There were planes on display on the deck of the ship.  I took this picture because it shows a Navy plane with "Fly Navy" on its tail beside an Air Force plane.  Military branches working together.

For supper tonight we ate at the Ginger Cafe.  It serves Middle Eastern food.  Carol and I have never eaten Middle Eastern food.  We both agree that it was very good and would eat it again.

This was my plate.  I got chicken smaaerah.  I am sure that is not spelled correctly but it was very good.

Carol is not sure what his was called but the meat is lamb and it also had stuffed grape leaves.  Again, it was very good.  The dip had yogurt in in so he didn't eat that.  Both were huge servings so we brought some of each home for a meal tomorrow.

After supper we spent the rest of the evening talking.  We have had a   time visiting
with Bob and Renita.  They are very good hosts.  They gave us the grand tour around Corpus Christi and introduced us to many of their nice friends.  They love to travel too but Bob has some health problems that keep them closer to home.  When Bob retired from Firestone, they bought a motorhome and lived in it for 10 years traveling the USA   They even drove it to Alaska.  We had fun swapping travel stories.  Tomorrow we will be up early to pack up.  They will drive in front of us to show us the way out of this city.  We are thankful for that!

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