Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Hello Texas, Again

This is site C3 at the KOA.  It was a very nice KOA.  Sites were very well spaced.  We left at 9:00 a.m. headed back to Texas and Davis Mountains State Park.

We passed by for the final time Guadalupe Mountains National Park.

We took Texas Route 64 south to Van Horn, Texas.  It was a two-lane road with very little traffic.  We passed this car.  At first when we saw the car, we thought it was a black bear sticking his head out the window but as we got closer, we saw that it was a huge black dog.  He was really enjoying his ride.

At Van Horn, we turned east on US Highway 90.  We drove by what seemed miles and miles and pecan trees.  It must be a huge crop in this part of Texas.

The landscape on this highway was filled with cactus like this one.

There were many dips in the highway and at each dip was a "Flood Gauge."  It is like a rain gauge but instead of measuring inches, it measures feet.

We arrived at Davis Mountains State Park, Texas about 3:00 p.m. and are in site 18.  The park has a scenic drive that starts just beyond the campground so we drove up it to see if we could get internet or cell service.  We discovered that neither is available at the park.  What will I do??

View from the top of the mountain and yes, there is cell and internet service here!

It is a beautiful view of Davis Mountains.

Our site #18.  It is a very nice campground with sites well spaces and concrete pads for picnic tables.

Another view of site.

This is a first for us...a view from the top of the mountain of our site.  
It was a quiet cell service, no internet, no Facebook, no blogging, no music! We played our usual game or two of Skip-Bo and without the music we usually listen to.  Tomorrow we will check out Ft. Davis National Historic Site.

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