Sunday, October 17, 2021

Final Day at Big Bend


 Sunrise this morning.  We had planned to  leave early for the park but as we were almost ready, a fellow camper came by and asked Carol if he had a vice grip he could borrow to tightened up a hose that was leaking.  Carol was able to help him out.  In our conversation with him we found out that he lives in St. Louis but is originally from Marion, Illinois.  Again, it's a small world.  They had just gotten in the area and were planning on spending a few days.  We suggested a couple of the hikes we took.  When we left for the park the temperature was 54 degrees.  Had to have long sleeves for awhile.

Today we took the road to the Chisos (cheese - oss) Basin.  It was a beautiful drive so most of the pictures that follow are from that drive.

This is called "The Window."

There is a short hike to the window viewing area which we took but the longer 2 miles hike we opted out of.  We decided this morning before we left that we were not going to hike today.

 After leaving the Chisos Basin area we took a road that went north out of the park.  We had not been on that road.  The scenery was not as dramatic so we only drove about 10 miles on that road.

Along this road was a very nice fossil display.  Lots of dinosaur fossil bones have been found in the Big Bend area.  The man who originally discovered the bones, had them displayed for the public but because the bones were vandalized, he had to move them.  The park department built a ecological-friendly building to display casts of the bones.  The one above represents a 90-foot alligator-like dinosaur.  I wouldn't want to run into him on a hike.

This is a huge fish-like dinosaur.  

This is the display building.  Solar panels provide electricity.  Both roofs are tilted so that rain water
 run off into large containers.
This part of Texas was once covered with water but now it is desert-like.

One final picture before we left the park for the last time.  We enjoyed hiking and soaking up the beautiful scenery.  We could stay a few more days but need to move on to other parts of Texas.

We saw this sign on the Chisos Basin Road.  At the park store, we heard  the cashier say that this time of year there are always a lot of bears out and about.  The mountain lions are more scarce.  There are only 20 in the park.  We did not see either one.  Instead, Carol saw a roadrunner and lots and lots of tarantulas...but no bears and mountain lions.

We left the park about 1:00 and headed back to camp.  There are a few things we want to do tonight before we pack up tomorrow morning.  We also managed to sit outside and read, etc.  We have been wanting a pizza so we ordered one from a local bakery/pizzeria for carryout.

Below is the result.  It was so heavy that Carol had to carry it.  It was loaded with fresh vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, and onions.  It was delicious but way too much for us to eat in one sitting.  I think we will be having pizza for supper tomorrow!

It was another great day.  We are so glad that we finally made it to Big Bend National Park.  Tomorrow we turn the motorhome east toward the San Antonio area.  It is about 475 miles so we will make it a two-day trip.  Today we have been on the road for exactly one month.  It is sad, but we only have three more weeks to go.

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