Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Day 3: Scenes on I-90 West

 We only had 200 miles to drive today so we took our time packing up.  Showers were in order for all of us.  The shower/restrooms are gorgeous.  We camped here about five years ago and they did not look like this.  Evidently, new owners upgraded.  Even Keegan noticed that they were very nice....not your typical KOA restroom/showers.

This looks like a typical 60's hippy Volkswagen van.

This statue of Sacajawea was at a rest area on I-90 that we stopped at.  The Lewis and Clark Expedition  camped here in 1803 for several days. 

I-90 crosses the Missouri River.  This is a railroad bridge across the Missouri.
Papaw and Keegan hiked further along the trail to get the above picture of the bridge.  I didn't go all the way down the trail because of fear of falling.
Here is a picture of the photographers at work.
We made it to the KOA just outside of Badlands National Park.  After supper and our traditional ice  cream for dessert, we headed back into the park.  Keegan loved climbing on the sides of the formations.

Keegan took this picture.  With him on the trip, we don't have to ask strangers to take a picture of us.

Another picture of the happy climber.

The sunset was nice.

We drove back to the camp.  We are staying in Badlands/White River KOA which is about five miles south of the park.  We saw some deer but downloading pictures is very slow.  Maybe tomorrow I will post one.  Back at camp and Keegan's bed made, I worked on my blog.  By 9:30 Keegan was asleep.  I guess all that climbing wore him out.

Carol has driven the motorhome 900 miles and has not had any trouble with his new bionic shoulder.  Tomorrow we will go back into the park and visit Wall Drug.  Keegan has been looking forward to seeing the famous Wall Drug,

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