Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Day 9: I-90 West through the Yellowstone Valley

I will start today's entry with pictures I took this morning of the KOA.  These are part of the perimeter of bicycles around the campground.

Hats everywhere.  All slept in this morning.  It was a wonderful, cool night to sleep.  We had to wake Keegan up at 8:00 because he was sleeping so well.  Took our time to pack up as we only had 175 miles to go.  Left site at 9:30.  Once we got to Billings, the scenery around the interstate was beautiful.  The highway followed the Yellowstone River through a green valley.  The greens of the valley, blues of the river, whites of the clouds and snow on the mountains were a pleasure to our eyes.  Sometimes we were surrounded on both sides with snow-covered mountains.  The only downside to this display of nature was the strong winds that were blowing through the valley.  Carol's bionic arm really got a workout today.

The Yellowstone River

This is the entrance lane to our KOA campground for the next four nights.

We stopped in a rest area for lunch and to kill some time.  We couldn't check into our site until 2:00 pm.  We made it to Livingston, Montana at 1:35 and turned off the interstate headed south about 10 miles to the KOA.  There was road construction which slowed us down but we did make it to our site at 2:00 p.m.

Even through the road construction dust, the view of the snow-covered mountains was very nice.

After we got set up.  I decided to do laundry.  The laundry was very nice with 4 washers and 8 dryers.  There was a TV, books, magazines, and comfortable chairs to use while you wait.  The big problem was that only one of the dryers worked.  A sign told the sad story:  "Ordered 8 new dryers in September for delivery in January.  Dryers arrived in April.   Had plumber install dryers but unfortunately all the dryers needed additional parts to complete installation. Sorry for the inconvenience.  Four washers and one dryer and the place was busy.  It took me three hours to wash and dry two loads of laundry.  Oh well, we had gotten in early enough and the laundry was a comfortable place to wait.  I figured that Covid and supply-chain issues had hit this KOA.

The temperature is very comfortable.  Keegan has been waiting this whole trip to have a fire and smores and tonight is the night.  I am looking forward to having smores, too!  Tomorrow we will be going into Yellowstone National Park.  We are all excited.  We have three days to explore this massive park.  We won't see it all but hopefully enough for Keegan to get a good experience in Yellowstone.

I will close this post with a sunset picture from last night.  It really was the first nice sunset I have been able to take a picture of.


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