Saturday, June 11, 2022

Day 13: Leaving Montana

 Up early and on the road by 7:15 a.m.  We had 450 miles to the next campsite and we were also hoping to avoid a long wait for the road construction.

Had to take one final picture of the view we have enjoyed for the last four days.  I am going to miss seeing the snow-topped mountains.
Here is the campsite.  We are all loaded and just about to get on the way.
This is the Yellowstone River that many of our roads have followed.  It also runs by the camp.  The Yellowstone River begins from a mountain in Yellowstone National Park and goes northeast to northwestern N. Dakota where it empties into the Missouri River.  It is nearly 700 miles long and is the only river in the US that runs completely free with no dams anywhere on it.
This is the road from the main highway to the campground.  It has large potholes that Carol has had to maneuver around for the last four days.  
There is a huge field of cows on one side of the road.  As we came by this morning several of the cows had stretched their necks to the other side of the fence.  They must think that the grass is always greener on the other side.  Ha  Ha!

We will follow the Yellowstone River until the other side of Billings.  It has been nice watching the river along the highway.

Keegan has a great imagination.  Today as we were driving, he made a fort out of blankets, pillows, and the RV table.  It kept him occupied for a while while we drove nearly 450 miles today to Douglas, Wyoming.  It is hot here so we immediately turned on the air and closed all blinds.  I saw a weather forecast for central Illinois and a heat wave is hitting that part of the state.  I will not only miss the mountains, but also the cool temperatures.  We have been in the RV since we set up.  I am sure that will be the story until we get home.  Carol drove 450 miles today and says his shoulder feels great.  We are thankful that he had the shoulder surgery and is now able to sleep at night without pain.  We only have 400 miles to drive tomorrow so we can sleep in a little.

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