Thursday, June 9, 2022

Day 11: Yellowstone - geysers, snow and bears!

 Up early to make the trip south to Yellowstone.  The mountains call to me so I had to take a picture or two.

After we enter the north gate and climb and twist through a canyon, the land flattens out to grasses and a meandering stream.

This is Keegan twisting through the taller grasses to get just the right picture.

First stop was the Norris Geyser Basin.
Steamboat Geyser.  It can shoot to 300 feet in the air when it erupts.  It does not erupt on a set schedule like Old Faithful does.  It be must be magnificent when it does erupt because we saw several people sitting in lawn chairs just watching the geyser.  I guess they were hoping to see it erupt.

Resting (which we did quite often).  We hiked a total of 2 miles in the geyser basis.

I don't like the way the geyser steam makes my hair look white!!

Keegan rests too!

This is serious resting!

A lot of the geyser basin trail was on boardwalk.  It was nice walking.  However, there was some small hills going both up and down.

Papaw and Keegan.

Snow on the mountains and boiling steam below.

Besides resting, Keegan likes to hide and jump out to startle papaw!  It was successful many times.

One set of stairs coming out of the geyser basin.  We took It one step at a time and made it to the top.

We saw quit a bit of snow at the higher altitudes.  Someone even made a couple of snowmen.

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River.

Lower Falls on the Yellowstone River in the Canyon.

The trio at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.

Upper Falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.

Took a mud pots trail.  Keegan did not like the awful smell so we didn't stay too long.

This was called the Dragon's Mouth.

The landscape of Yellowstone National Park is very varied.  The road we were on went from mounds of snow to this golden cliff.

Another type of stone landscape.

Of course, we saw buffalo but not as many as in the past.  We saw mostly single buffalo.  Maybe the moms and babies were higher in the mountains this time of year

There are actually buffalo in this scene.  It looks so peaceful with the river running through the valley.

There were elk groups like this one.

We saw single elk with large racks and they were always alone.
The best animal we saw were bears.  We have been to Yellowstone many times and we have NEVER seen bear.  Today we saw five bears.  We were able to get pictures of four of them.
This grizzly bear stopped traffic both ways for a long time.  He didn't seem to notice the commotion he was causing among the tourists.  He meandered in this clearing for several minutes allowing us to snap pictures.

We saw four black bears.  Again, this one didn't seem to notice all the tourists snapping pictures. He just went about his own business, whatever that was.

The fifth bear was a black bear and in an area above a parking lot.  We were in our car getting ready to back out of our spot when a few people near the car began pointing cameras toward the grassy area.  We did not see what they were looking at so we went ahead and backed out.  Then we saw the bear but could not snap a picture.   Keegan saw that bear but didn't see any of the rest.  He fell asleep and slept for four hours.

It was a busy day and we tried to squeeze in as much as we could.  I guess we wore the little guy out.  We have the pictures to show him what he missed.  Tomorrow will be our last day at Yellowstone.  We don't have much on the agenda so we can get back to camp early and prepare for heading east.

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