Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Day 2: Western Iowa and the Corn Palace

 We finally got to bed around  10:30 last night.  We received a text warning that the area was under a tornado watch.  About 11:30 a strong thunderstorm rolled through but no tornado.  We woke up to cooler temperatures which we all liked.  On the road by 8:00.  We will be staying here the last day of our trip in a couple of weeks.  It is a nice KOA and has lots to do for kids.

This is our camping spot at KOA Mitchell, South Dakota.  After leaving West Des Moines, we filled up twice. One time the cost was $4.29 and the second time it was $4.04...still lots cheaper than gas in Illinois.  This campground has a cattle farm next door so we will be going to sleep by the sounds of mooing cows!
One of the many signs Wall Drug uses to advertise for the store.  Of course, we will be visiting it.
The sky was partly cloudy in West Des Moines but it got steadily more cloud-filled as we drove north to South Dakota.  From 80W we took an interstate bypass called 880 (on map it labeled 680) and it was almost traffic-free which was a nice change.  Then we got on I-29N to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Again, we had never driven on this particular interstate.  We drove through a town called Sgt. Floyd.  I looked it up on the internet and found out that Sgt Charles  Floyd was with the Lewis and Clark Expedition.  Here on the banks of a small river that is a tributary of the Missouri River, they buried him on a high bluff and when a town was settled it was called Sgt. Floyd after this man.

The farmers use contour farming on these rolling hills.  
Saw several wind mill farms along with the contour fields.

Our visit to the Corn  Palace, Mitchell, South Dakota.

Every year there is a new theme and this year's is "Under the  Big Top."

A close-up showing the cobs cut in half that make up the murals.
A display showing the 12 different colors of corn used in the murals.

Farmer Keegan.

It was a great day to travel.  The scenery was very pretty.  We got set up by 2:00 p.m. and were able to visit the Corn Palace.  After finishing this entry we will eat a late supper and play some games before hitting the sack.  Below is a picture of how we found Keegan this morning.  We had to wake him up at 7:30.  I think if we had let him sleep any longer, his feet would be hanging off the mattress!

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