Thursday, June 2, 2022

Day 4: Badlands National Park and Wall Drug

It was cool sleeping last night but the day was very pleasant...low 70's and cloudless, blue sky.  I actually fixed bacon and eggs for breakfast so we would have the energy to hike today.  We left campground at 8 and stopped at the Saddle Pass Trail for our first hike.  According to the hiking brochure this trail was .25 miles round trip and strenuous.  It is a short trail which climbs up the Badlands Wall to a view over the White River Valley.  1/4 mile round trip seemed doable...wrong.  The entire trail was uphill and the trail path was slick dirt and small rocks that slipped under your feet as we were going up hill.  We made it about half way before turning around.  Going down was treacherous.  Even through we had walking sticks, it was very hard to take a step without slipping down the trail.  Together Carol and I made it with Keegan reminding us all the way down, "Don't fall memaw!" 

Keegan and his young legs had no trouble with the Saddle Pass Trail.  He zipped up and down taking time to climb on rocks along the trail.
This is our turnaround spot.  

After this trail we decided to take an easier trail so we stopped by the Fossil Exhibit Trail which was much easier.  Keegan had a ball running up and over the various mounds of the Castle Trail which Papaw and I watched.  We both envied his energy.  Below are pictures taken as we drove the Badlands Loop Road.


We were very happy to see these Big Horn Sheep on the loop road.

It looks like this guy is shedding his winter coat.

There were prairie dogs all along the road but this particular bunch live in Roberts Prairie Dog Town.

We saw our first buffalo herd of this trip,

After driving the Loop Road we finally made it to the famous Wall  Drug.  We ate lunch and then explored the stores.  Keegan and Papaw sat with Annie Oakley for a while.

We left Wall Drug and drove back into the park and stopped at the  Windows and Doors Trail.  Both were much shorter and senior adult approved.  Papaw and I stayed on the trail while Keegan climbed and explored the higher formations.

In the very center of this picture is a small cactus  and the shadow of the photographer (Carol).  We were surprised to find a cactus this far north.

We managed to capture Keegan for a photo.  For the most part He was pretending he was a mountain goat climbing over the formations.

Tomorrow we leave the Badlands.  I know Papaw and I enjoyed seeing it with Keegan and I know he enjoyed the park.  Tomorrow we head a little farther west to a better location for seeing Mount Rushmore, Devil's Tower, and Custer State Park.  The weather today was perfect.  We did have to turn the air conditioner on in the motorhome but will probably turn it off before we go to bed.  Keegan should sleep well.

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