Sunday, June 12, 2022

Day 14: Camping with the Jackalopes


We camped last night at Douglas KOA, Wyoming.  According to the campground information the Jackalope is a native of Wyoming, but is only found in Converse County where Douglas is located.  This rare animal might be mistaken for a large rabbit except for its horns, or could be a deer except for its size and gait. In 1892 a man named Ron Ball first saw the animal but was denounced as a liar; however, a taxidermist exhibited a animal that resembled what Ron Ball had seen.  Douglas has been designated "Home of the Jackalope by the Governor of Wyoming and the city and county vehicles carry the symbol.  So is it real or another Big Foot?
Our campsite at Douglas KOA.

We missed our snow-topped mountains but the scenery was totally different but still pretty. 

We stopped for gas at a Little America gas station in Cheyenne.  Cost was $4.99 a gallon!  Had trouble finding the on ramp for I-80 East so we took a little tour of downtown Cheyenne.  Cheyenne is the capitol of Wyoming but is only 65,000 and not centrally located in the state.  It is a neat cowboy town.
As we traveled east we could feel the temperature rising.   The interstate in Nebraska was very rough.

Can you tell from these photos where we made a stop in Nebraska?

We decided that we could not pass by Cabela's without stopping here.  Keegan spent his last vacation money on the wooden gun he is proudly displaying.  We are camped at the Blue Heron Campground by Gothenberg, Nebraska.  When we first started tent-camping with the kids, we stayed here but then it was a KOA.  It is under new ownership and no longer a KOA.  The manager is very nice and it is located under tall cottonwood trees so we are in the shade for a change.  Two more days of driving and we will be home.

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