Friday, June 3, 2022

Day 5: Goodbye Badlands and Hello to Devil's Tower

Another cool night to sleep.  After a leisure pack-up, we were on the road headed west and making one final drive on the Badlands Loop Road.  Couldn't resist a few more pictures.

 We only had 100 miles to make today to reach Spearfish KOA.  This part of South Dakota is rolling green hills with black cows and horses spread-out through the fields.  Arrived at the KOA at noon.  This is the earliest we have been able to check in.  We are in a good spot, number 20.  It is close to everything important...restrooms/showers, store, and pool.  After we set up and unhooked the car, we decided to go to Devil's Tower.  It was farther than I thought. It took about an hour.

This can be seen several miles away.  It is 837 feet tall.  This was our first view.

We could see three climbers on the tower.  This group had just finished their climb.  I heard one of them say that it took eight hours for the entire trip.  Notice how young they all are.

We decided to hike around the bottom of the tower.  It is only 1.5 miles, paved with some small hills.  We look very fresh and happy in these pictures.  

I  am glad we didn't have a picture taken at the end of the trail because it would not have been pretty.  We did make the complete hike but our legs and knees were really feeling it by the end.  Of course, Keegan climbed up and over rocks and raced down the trail like he was a young kid...oops...he is a kid!  Again, we both wish we had his energy.  

We got back to camp around 5:30.  Keegan was anxious to get into the pool.  The temperature of the pool is kept at a comfortable 80 degrees and it is close to our site.  After a swim and supper, he crashed and was asleep by 9:00.  Tomorrow we will go to Mount Rushmore.  Keegan has been looking forward to seeing that.  We have had great weather and hope it continues.  Should be cool sleeping tonight.

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