Monday, June 13, 2022

Day 15: Driving, Driving, Driving

 On road by 7:30 for a day of driving east on I-80.  For a Monday, it seemed like a lot of traffic.

I didn't take many pictures today.  I saw this old barn and thought it was interesting.  It was in Nebraska.
This is the arch over I-80 at Kearney.  There were a few cars and trucks in the parking lot so I guess this attraction is still open.  We stopped for gas at Gretna which is just outside of Omaha.  When we drive through Omaha, our memories are always very active as we think about the three years we spent here as newly weds while Carol was in the Air Force at Offutt AFB.  We were so young then and didn't travel anywhere but home.  We have lots of good memories of this area and still remain friends with Dan Warner who shared a dorm room with Carol until they both got married.

This fancy metal art is over a bridge on I-80 before you cross the Missouri River into Iowa.

Here we are back in Iowa.  Keegan has been looking forward to Iowa because he knows the next state is Illinois.  The closer we get to home the more excited he is getting.

Western Iowa is so pretty with its rolling hills covered with fields.  I love the way the farmer uses the land for his crops.  I learned about contour farming in grade school.  I am sure kids today don't learn about the different farming methods used in the Midwest.

We made it to Des Moines KOA about 2:00 p.m.  It is the same one we stayed at exactly two weeks ago today  We are in a different spot.  It is a patio site with a rocker, BBQ grill, table and chairs...very nice.  The one big draw back is that it is the farthest away from the laundry, store, and restrooms/showers.  I am not sure what the temperature is but I would guess in the 90's.  My plan was to do laundry so I wouldn't have to do laundry when I got home.  I packed up my clothes and coins and the three of us carried the clothes in the heat to the laundry.  Carol and Keegan went back to the motorhome.  After they left, I discovered that the washers and dryers do not take coins, only credit cards.  That was a first for me.  We have stayed in KOAs this whole trip and this is the first laundry that uses only credit cards.  The staff was gracious enough to drive me back in their electric cart to get my card and then return to do my laundry.  After my laundry was finished they took me back to my site.  It was much appreciated in this heat.  Anyway, laundry is done, Keegan is packed up and ready for home, supper is done, I can relax and try to stay cool.


Carol just read on Facebook that Yellowstone National Park is closed due flooding, effective today.  It would seem that we got out of there just in time.  I hope it doesn't stay closed long because a good friend of ours daughter and her family is either there now or soon to be there.   How quickly the weather can change things.

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