Wednesday, September 7, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 7: Ft. Robinson, Nebraska

The rest of the storm came last night.  This time we had thunder and rain.  It was nice sleeping hearing the rain beat against the RV.  On the road by 9:00 a.m. headed for Sydney, Nebraska.  We stopped for gas at a Sapp Brothers station and then turned north toward Chadron.  Ft. Robinson is 20 miles west of Chadron.  It was a nice day, sunny and cool.  The scenery was rolling hills with sparse trees.  This would be great for farming like we do in Illinois except for two things:  the soil is not black like ours, it is sandy; and it is dry with little rainfall.

We could see Courthouse Rock and Jail House in the distance as we drove toward Chadron.   The larger formation is the courthouse with the small jail beside it.

This was a first for us...a junk/salvage yard for tractors and parts of tractors.   The owner was very organized, keeping all the different parts together.  His property was very large and this is only a small snapshot of his business.

We had to change to Mountain Daylight Time so we arrived at Ft.  Robinson at 3:00 p.m. (actually five hours after we left, not six).  This is the view from our campsite.  This is the first campground we have actually had a pretty view.  

This is another view of our campsite.  It is a nice campground.  All the sites are paved and our is level.  It is long enough that we can park our car in front of the RV.    We also have full hookups which we like.  There is a lot of soldier and Indian history in this park.  Crazy Horse was killed here while trying to escape from imprisonment here.

After we got set up, we sat outside.  It was so nice to just sit and relax.  We opened up the RV because there is a strong breeze blowing which should make for good sleeping tonight.  Tomorrow we will learn more about Ft. Robinson and the surrounding area.

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