Sunday, September 11, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 11: A Day in a Museum

Today we drove into Denver to see the Denver  Museum of Science and Nature.  In the last three years Carol and I have been to Fort Collins three times and we have never gone to Denver.   This is Sunday, people shouldn't be out driving the interstates, but they were.  The traffic was nearly as bad as during the week.  
On the wall in the dinosaur exhibit there was a tyrannosaurus rex with the question  "How do you measure up"   Katie and Aidan barely reached his ankle.  The museum is three floors of exhibit.  Lucky for us, it was a free day so no one had to pay an entrance fee.

This was a neat experience for Katie.  This is a man wearing a dinosaur costume.  He walked around the museum and interacted with the kids (and adults, too).  Katie (in the white shirt) was at first reluctant to approach the dinosaur.  One of the things the dino would do is pretend to eat the child.

After watching other children and adults get "eaten,"  she finally put her head in the mouth of the dinosaur.

In this picture you can see the full extent of the costume.

The skyline of Denver with the mountains in the background.

The capitol dome.

Another interesting exhibit was on gems and minerals.   There were very unusual gems but most of them were beautiful.  This qualifies as beautiful.  We spent nearly three hours at the museum and we were all tired and ready to head back to the  park.  By the time we left the museum the temperature was 90 so when we got back to the RV, we stayed in and were able to stay cool until the temperatures dropped.  We had enough wood to have another fire and more Smores.  By 7:00 the temperatures had dropped, a cool wind was blowing, and sweatshirts and jackets were necessary.  That is the nice thing about Ft. Collins.  It may get up to 90 degrees but the humidity is below 25 percent and it cools down in the evening and night.

A pretty sky ended our busy day.

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