Saturday, September 3, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip, Day 4: Happy Anniversary to Us

This picture was taken on September 4, 1966.  What a young looking couple.  In the background, you can see my dad and mom and Carol's mom.  I think we look happy and ready to face a new life as a married couple.
This was taken September 4, 2016.  This the same happy old couple.  We have gray hair, extra weight, and don't walk with the same spring in our steps.  We enjoyed being in worship at the church in which we were married.  We attended the 8:30 a.m. traditional service.   As soon as we got out of our car, an oriental woman became a one-woman welcoming committee.  We told her that we had been married in this church 50 years ago.  She took us under her wing, introduced us to people, sat with us, and even took the pictures above and below.  Every church needs a lady as welcoming like this lady.

We think this is the new StratCom Building at Offutt.  It would be replacing the  SAC Headquarters Building in which I worked for nearly three years.

This is the gate where mom and I waited for Carol 50 years ago.
The skyline of Omaha.

This bridge is named for Bob Kearry.  I think he was a senator from Nebraska.  It is a walking/biking bridge which spans the Missouri  River.  Everyone here calls the bridge "Bob."  So we walked "Bob" from the Nebraska side to the Iowa side and  back again.

Here we are straddling the state lines.

A passing couple took this picture of us with Carol in Nebraska and me in Iowa.

After we got back to camp we relaxed and hooked up the car because tomorrow we hit the road again.  I wanted a picture of our site.  This shows how much space we we have.    If we ever camp here again, we will request Site 58.

I have been ending this blog by sharing what was going on 50 years ago on this date.  Fifty years today, Carol and I got married in Bellevue First Baptist Church.  Following the wedding, all the family left and we were alone to begin our married life.   However, someone (and no one will confess to this) left us some special presents.  We discovered our bed had been short-sheeted and filled with rice, and my nightgown has the top and bottom shown shut.  Also our black car was covered with the words "Just Married" top, sides, etc,  Carol went out in the dark and tried to wipe the words off but when we got up in the morning the car was smeared and looked even worse.  We took our first trip to a car wash.

This has been a wonderful day  and we enjoyed being together beginning with worshiping in the church we were married in and ending with just relaxing together.   


  1. Happy Anniversary...... Really enjoying your blogs.... Great job!!!!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing all this. In all these years, I've never heard the whole tale! I love the pictures, too. Happy Anniversary!
