Monday, September 5, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 5: I-80 West

We were on the road by 9:00 a.m.  The traffic was light and we drove through Lincoln very quickly and smoothly.  In Lincoln we got on I-80 and then the fun began.  The traffic was almost bumper to bumper and it was very windy.  We had heard there could be gusts of wind up to 40 MPH.  We took our time and moved along between 55 and 60 MPH.  Everything passed us except an Airstream trailer which was driving 45 MPH.  As we traveled, the temperature was rising.  We had heard that it could be 90 and above in No. Platte.
We have passed under the Archway many times in the last three to four years.   I just had to take another picture.
We stopped at a rest area for lunch and to stretch our and Sandy's legs.  It was then that we knew the weather forecast was correct because it was hot.  It felt nice to sit in the air conditioned RV and eat a leisurely lunch.  

We are camped at Holiday RV Park in No. Platte, Nebraska.  It isn't a very big park but we are in a long pull through and have a shade tree to sit under.  Once we got everything set up, we sat outside and actually got cooled down enough to enjoy being outside.  The showers are the best so far.    It sounds like the two campers on the north side of us is having a family reunion or party because they are loud.  Hopefully, they will observe "quiet time."

After supper we took Sandy for her daily evening walk and brought ice cream at the office/store.  This swing was calling to us so we sat, swung, and ate our ice cream.  Sandy is waiting for the last bite.

  50 years ago today we washed the car that someone  had written all over in white.  Anyone who knows Carol knows that he doesn't like a dirty car.  We also went to the grocery store.  Not very exciting but necessary.  We didn't have a honeymoon because we each had to be at work on Tuesday, September 6.   The nearly three years that I worked on base at SAC Headquarters was the only time that I ever worked full-time in my working career.  I loved that job and the people that I worked with.  I was just a young girl from the country and I worked with majors, colonels and an occasional general.  It was heady stuff for a bumpkin.  The lady I worked with was from Bogaloosa, Louisiana.   She had a thick southern accent but could cuss with the best of the men.   She taught me a lot of things including how to make Cheeseburger Skillet.  This is Hunter's favorite meal so he can thank Grace Hughes Wright for the recipe.

We will be sleeping with the air conditioners on tonight.  We would be happy if it would cool down some.  Tomorrow we will do some things in No. Platte and be in Holiday Park one more night before moving to northwest Nebraska and Ft. Robinson.

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