Saturday, September 17, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 16: Goodbye Colorado...Hello South Dakota

We were on the road by 7:30!  I was surprised but the biggie (loading the car) went smoothly.
We said our goodbyes to the mountains with a final morning picture or two.  We have enjoyed waking up to this view most mornings.  For the most part the rains we had didn't stop us from enjoying Colorado and all it has to offer.  Each time we visit John and Family, we find something new to see and do.  We will be back.

When I made reservations at St. Vrain, I didn't realize it was located in the community of "Firestone."  I thought that was ironic since Carol worked for Firestone for 30 years.

We took I-25 to Orin and Highway 20 to Lusk and then turned north on US 85.  We had never been on this highway.  We enjoyed the scenery.   At last we saw lots of herds of pronghorn antelope.  Carol and I played "Who could see the antelope first."  He was better at it than I.  We also saw a small herd of camels.  I don't know why this farmer would have camels and don't think they would like the winters here.  The road snaked up, down, twisted and turned.  It was a two-lane road but every ten miles or so, there was an extra lane so those cars behind us could get around us.  Carol had to fight the wind so we didn't get in a hurry; besides, we were enjoying the scenery.  It became more forested as we drove north and we could smell the pine trees.

This is cattle country.  Besides herds of antelope, we saw herds of cattle and began to see more horses.

We made it to Spearfish KOA by 3:30.  It is a typical KOA (close to the interstate) but at least has trees, grass and some space between campers.  We were happy to find that this weekend is KOA members appreciation weekend and we got a free night of camping...staying three and paying for two.  You can't beat that.  We drove the most miles today at 400.  We made good time.  We stopped for gas and then for lunch at a rest area.  We enjoyed the views from our windows so all in all it was a good day.

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